Black Wolf Books, Inc.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

…And One Step Back

I had a long talk with my publicist today concerning . Since the book hasn’t shown up on Amazon yet, she suggested that we hold off on further publicity contacts until it does. Good, solid logic. And, so, one step back.

So, I called the publisher today to ask exactly what the steps were to get hooked up with Amazon. They said Amazon was notified on Dec. 3 of the book’s release. Somehow, the cover is transmitted separately from the book’s text. Within 1½ months, the text shows up as a ‘soon to be released’ heading. Then, after another 1½ months, the cover shows up and it all officially goes on sale. What???

The publisher is going to have their submissions coordinator contact me Friday with more of an explanation. Man, I hope it makes sense. I’m getting reviews from Amazon reviewers who are asking where my book is listed. They can’t find it. (Big frowny face here!)


Blogger Dana said...

Congratulations from one writer to another! I haven't been published in print yet, but someday, I hope!

Good luck on all the publicity stuff and keep up the good work!

8:18 AM  
Blogger Rosemary said...

;( 3 months!! That sounds terrible.

Sorry this part has hit a snag.

5:03 PM  

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