Black Wolf Books, Inc.: August 2006

Saturday, August 26, 2006

T’on Ma for sale

Trafford Publishing has got my latest novel, “T’on Ma”, for sale as of earlier this week. The sale page also has seven pages of excerpts, if you’re interested in reading them. I’ve taken orders for those who want autographed copies, and should have those in hand in a couple of weeks.

I think the most fulfilling part of writing is hearing people’s responses after they’ve read the book. That is what I’m looking forward to after all the writing, editing, rewrites, graphics, and waiting, waiting, waiting.

The next step, business-wise, is to contact reviewers. Fortunately, I have a good list from my first book.

So, here’s to the weekend and whatever it may bring!

Friday, August 04, 2006

T’on Ma galley is in

I received the galley proof to “T’on Ma” this afternoon. I’m halfway through the final read and so far, I haven’t found anything to prevent it from going to print. What a nice way to end the weekend.

Even though the book is substantially longer than “Black Wolf: Lakota Man”, the cost is the same. That is partially because I declined the laminated cover this go-round. While it looks gorgeous, it added over $2 to the printing cost.

The colors on the cover turned out amazingly well. My illustrator, Ken Faulks, is going to be so pleased! My web designer, Kirk Osburne, is making progress in updating the web site as well to include “T’on Ma”.

Also, the timing is perfect to have the book listed on Amazon before Christmas. I should also have copies in my grubby little hands for the Sept. book fair I’ve committed to. Woohoo!