”Let’s Talk.” It’s funny how I came into being as the main character in ”Black Wolf: Lakota Man.” At first, I was just a collection of random thoughts, a compilation of personalities my author had met through the years. But, bit-by-bit, I felt my own personality begin to take shape. I suppose it was kind of like a baby discovering its fingers and feet.
So, one day, as she was busy working at her laptop, I simply walked into the room and stood right in front of her, silently demanding her attention. Belle looked up, rather surprised. I don’t think she was expecting such a physical presence to an imaginary character.
We stared at each other for a long moment and then I said, “Hi. I’m Caleb. Let’s talk.”
So, I talked and she typed. She and I got to know each other well. Sometimes, in the dark moments, when things snarled up or got confused or stalled, I’d stand over her shoulder, encouraging her to go on – to not give up. From time to time, I’m ashamed to admit, I got impatient with the process and I let her know it. But I am proud of who I am, of who she made me to be.
Caleb Black Wolf
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