Black Wolf Books, Inc.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Confirmation Orders

I feel that I’m close enough to the sale date of : Man” to let people know. Over the summer, several have expressed an interest in receiving an autographed copy.

The trick is that, in order to autograph the books, I have to order a large quantity from the publisher, have the books sent here, sign them and then mail them to each buyer. So, before I place the order with the publisher, I need to make sure everyone is still interested. (That’s a lot of cash up front for me.)

So, my project this weekend was to compose a ‘confirmation’ e-mail and then go through my records trying to find out who wanted how many. I did my best and got them all sent out. Now, let’s see how it goes.

Oh, yeah. I got my business stationery in. It’s bea-u-ti-ful. Now, if I can just think of someone to write (instead of e-mail) so that I can use it. hehehe


Blogger Rosemary said...

I've already confirmed my order. Hope others do, too! Good Luck and I just can't wait!!

12:24 PM  
Blogger Angela's Designs said...

Best of luck. Sounds interesting.

10:04 AM  

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